Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

Paul Litwin

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
About Paul
Paul has been a member of the greater programming community for many years and loves helping others better utilize programming tools & databases. Paul has had his hand in running conferences, charity programming events, and user groups. He currently programs mostly in ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, and SQL for a research institute in Seattle. His most recent accomplishments include marrying his soulmate, Suzanna, in Tuscany in October, 2012 & qualifying for the Boston Marathon in April, 2013.
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Speaking Sessions

  • ASP.NET MVC for WebForm Programmers

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: 3525
    Are you comfortable creating ASP.NET Web Form applications but even a little curious about what all the fuss is about MVC and test-driven development? In this session, Web Form junkie Paul Litwin takes a critical look at the world of ASP.NET MVC, but not from any expert point of view. Instead, Paul shares his experience as a Web Form developer who decided to take a closer look at this radical new approach to ASP.NET development. Come hear what Paul learned and if he plans to employ ASP.NET MVC in his future ASP.NET applications.

  • Bring Charting to Your ASP.NET Sites with the Chart Control

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: Hearthside Lounge
    The ASP.NET chart control ships with Visual Studio 2010 and has a number of advanced capabilities for producing flexible and informative charts. The control is based on the same charting package that's part of SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, but unlike the Reporting Services charts, this control can be programmatically manipulated at runtime. In this session, you will learn how to get started with the Microsoft Chart Control to create visually compelling charts from within your ASP.NET applications.