Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012

Mark Prichard

About Mark
High-tech product manager/evangelist at CloudBees in Menlo Park, CA. Over twenty years in enterprise software, including 13 years working at BEA/Oracle on Java, Java EE and Web technology. Former Diplomat, Diving Instructor and Chef. Triathlete, cyclist, hiker and wreck diver, plus Math/Science enthusiast Educated at the Perse School and St John's College, Cambridge (BA, MA, DipCompSci) with a BSc in Mathematical Sciences (OU). Follow me on twitter @mqprichard
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Speaking Sessions

  • Accelerate Your PaaS To The Mobile World

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: Hearthside Lounge
    Join Mark Prichard for a hands-on session teaching you how to use Java PaaS (Platform as a Service) to deploy complete enterprise applications in the cloud with Eclipse, Jenkins and MySQL, with iOS/Android clients and full end-to-end continuous integration. In a few minutes you'll have cloud-based Git/SVN repositories set up with CI builds triggered automatically and your apps, databases and supporting services up and running live. We'll also show how you can add additional PaaS services to your apps straight off the bat: ALM, web monitoring and analytics, hosted log management, email integration, enterprise search, cloud DB services (Couch DB, MongoDB, MySQL) and much more. Experience the future of Java development - no middleware, always on and totally free to develop. You'll never go back.