Silicon Valley Code Camp : Nov 8th and 9th, 2008

Abdelmonaim Remani

About Abdelmonaim
Abdel is the President and Founder of a number of organizations namely The Chico Java User Group, The Chico Flex User Group, and The Chico Google Technology User Group. He is an Adobe Flex Champion and a technology enthusiast. He has been working on RIAs for a while and has considerable experience in developing Java Enterprise Applications. Abdel's interests range from enterprise software development and architecture to technology evangelism. He currently goes to school full-time and works as a developer part-time. View his LinkedIn Profile or Follow him in Twitter
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Speaking Sessions

  • Building Enterprise Server-Side RIAs (Rich Internet Applications) with BlazeDS and Cairngorm Microarchitecture

    Not Available x   Room: Not Assigned
    BlazeDS is an Open-Source server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology to build data-driven Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex. Cairngorm Microarchitecture is a lightweight framework that implementes the industry's best pratices and design patterns to build Enterprise-level Rich Internet Applications (RIA) using Adobe Flex on the client-side, and Java EE on the server-side (Or other technologies like .NET, PHP, and ColdFusion).

  • Introduction to Building RIA with Adobe Flex and AIR

    Not Available x   Room: Not Assigned
    Adobe Flex is the leading techonology for the development and deployment of cross platform Rich Internet applications. This session is Introductory and has no specific requirement.