Silicon Valley Code Camp : Nov 8th and 9th, 2008

Scott Mauvais

About Scott
Scott Mauvais is the Director of the Microsoft Technology Center in Silicon Valley where his team leads architectural design sessions and runs proof of concept labs for Microsoft's global customers. Prior to joining the MTC, Scott worked for Microsoft Consulting Services where he run early stage projects for customers in Microsoft's Early Adopter Program. For three years he wrote the Developer Feature column for Microsoft Press.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Developing for Live Mesh

    Not Available x   Room: Not Assigned
    <p>After (very) brief overview of Microsoft's recently announced <u>Azure Services</u> Platform ( I will dive in and show you how to program against Live Mesh. I will start off by showing you how to query and update the synchronized online/offline data store from a variety of languages. Next I will write a SilverLight Live Mesh application (if I have time, I’ll write one in JavaScript also) which you can access from anywhere through a web browser as well as run locally (and offline) on a user's desktop.</p> <p> At the end of the session, you will understand Microsoft’s cloud programming model and know how to write and deploy application that will not only synchronize files, data, and applications across all the devices in a user's mesh but will run both on the desktop and on the cloud. </p>