9:45 AM Saturday Room: Hearthside Lounge
Agile is a holistic approach to software development that grew out of the experience and insight of people working in the field. It follows then, that the best way to learn about agile is to experience it. Over the course of this short workshop we will engage the power of simulations and learning games to evoke and explore various aspects of the Agile experience. Warning! This will be a participatory learning experience, without a PowerPoint safety net!
Areas we will explore will include:
* The power of iterative development and delivery
* Team self-organization
* Directive vs. Participatory project management approaches
* Agile techniques for continuous improvement
* Communication on an agile team 1:15 PM Sunday Room: 3106
An agile team's backlog contains all of the user stories for the current product or project. The stories that will be implemented soon must be small and well defined. Those that are further out on the schedule can be bigger and fuzzier. So how do we evolve those big fuzzy stories into the well-defined ones we will need when it comes time to implement them? Backlog grooming! This experiential session will give you techniques to evolve and refine the stories in your backlog.