Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

James Downey

About James
James Downey, Senior Consultant, Dell Services, provides clients with expertise in SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. See his personal blog at
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Speaking Sessions

  • SharePoint 2010 Information Architecture: Best Practices

    9:15 AM Sunday   Room: 3525
    Afraid of SharePoint sprawl? Concerned that giving users too much freedom will cause SharePoint to disintegrate into chaos? Worried that SharePoint will grow into a mess like your file shares where nobody can find anything? <p> SharePoint 2010 provides new tools for designing an effective information architecture, most notably the metadata service. We’ll review these tools, but tools are not enough. We need to understand how to use them and how they work together to solve real problems. To that end, we’ll discuss best practices for SharePoint information architecture. <p> Please come prepared to ask questions, raise concerns, share your experiences, and engage in a lively discussion. <p> Depending on time and the interests of the audience, we may also dig into some code for working with managed terms, a key part of the metadata service, which enables the central management of taxonomies.