Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

James Johnson

About James
James Johnson, a Microsoft MVP, is the Founder and President of the Inland Empire .NET User’s Group, and has fondly watched it grow from a twice a month, early Saturday morning group of five in 2003, to a robust and rambunctious gathering of all types and sizes of .NET developers. In his off-time from running the user group, James is a husband and dad, works with ComponentOne as their Western Region Technical Evangelist, digs deep into cutting edge technologies (often with some spectacular disasters) and spreads the word about the latest and greatest bits, getting people excited about .NET. He tries to blog as often as he can, but usually gets distracted by EF, LINQ, MVC, ASP, SQL, XML, and most other types of acronyms. James loves to present, using a rather unique presentation style combining a slight irreverence with a lot of back and forth interaction of a “hands-on, this is how I skinned my knuckles, you don’t do the same” style and approach. You can keep up with him at, or on Twitter at @latringo.
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Speaking Sessions

  • MVC and Entity Framework 4

    9:45 AM Saturday   Room: 8403
    The introduction of MVC to the ASP.NET stack opened up a new paradigm for building web sites and web applications and, this new way of thinking leads to new ways to interact with your data. Microsoft has been promoting the Entity Framework, which many people feel is too abstract, esoteric, too much overkill, or just too darn difficult to learn. In this presentation, James will dispel all the myths and tabloid rumors you may have heard about EF and take you on a gentle dive into the following: • A brief history of EF • How EF becomes the mediator between developers and DBAs • How to build an EF Model • Wiring up the Model to your MVC app • The supporting role of repositories • Using LINQ to EF to get to your data • How to win friends and influence people by embracing EF