11:15 AM Saturday Room: 5015
Given the interest in MongoDB from my last talk on Social Platforms at SVCC, I'd like to talk about MongoDB as a NoSQL persistence layer. This is an introductory session in which I'd cover the storage, querying, indexing and command line tools/utilities that come bundled with MongoDB. I'd be more than happy to talk about scaling, sharding and performance monitoring/optimization after the session if time permits. 1:45 PM Saturday Room: 8338
In this session I'd talk about Play! Framework, and how it can bring fun back in Java development. We will build a simple RESTFul API Server in Play!, and as we do so I'd talk about the architecture of a Play! application, what makes Play! different, the features that make developing with Play! so much awesome, and extending Play! through modules. If time permits, I'd like to go over Templating and Views in Play! as well.