Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 5th and 6th 2013

Ariya Hidayat

About Ariya
Ariya is a passionate engineer interested in bleeding-edge technologies. He has been involved in various large projects, from KDE to WebKit. These days, his focus is mostly on software craftsmanship around web technologies.
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Speaking Sessions

  • The Future of JavaScript Language Tooling

    10:45 AM Sunday   Room: 3525
    It is inevitable that future JavaScript applications will grow to be more complex. Keeping the quality of such a complex system is far from trivial. Unfortunately, our JavaScript tools recently still move at a glacial speed. Many code analyzers scream at you when a semicolon is omitted, yet they are totally oblivious to a copy-paste mistake. This talk will discuss the development of emerging JavaScript language tooling designed to solve: * code inspection: autocomplete, code outline, API harness * static analysis: code metrics, API harness, cyclomatic complexity * dynamic analysis: code coverage, execution tracing, run-time scalibility * source transformation: coding style, language extension (module, class, macro, …)