5:00 PM Saturday Room: 4201
This session focuses on how Java EE 7 provides an extensive set of new and enhanced features to support standards such as HTML5, WebSocket, and server-sent events, among others. The session shows how these new features are designed and matched to work together for developing lightweight solutions matching end users’ high expectations for Web application responsiveness. It covers best practices and design patterns governing application development with JAX-RS 2.0, async Servlet, and JSON-P (among others) as well as outlining the pitfalls that should be avoided. You will see code snippets and block diagrams that clarify use of APIs coming from the demo application shown at the end. 2:45 PM Sunday Room: 4201
With the growing challenges we face with shortage of resources there is a constant need to improve scalability and performance. Fortunately Java EE 7 and Java SE 7 has provided a rich set of APIs which can be used to avoid the conventional request-response paradigm.
The session will span across JSRs cover how JAX-RS, Servlets, WebSockets, EJB provide support to submit asynchronous requests and cover topics like callbacks, timeouts, client side asynchrony, API like non blocking IO and lots of good stuff from Java EE 7 and Java SE 7 .
Prerequisite: An open mind and be ready to “Think async”