Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th 2015

Robin Shahan

About Robin
Robin has over 25 years of experience developing complex, business-critical applications for Fortune 100 companies. As President of Nightbird Consulting, she provided training and helped companies architect and develop scalable, efficient solutions utilizing the Azure platform. She is a 6-time Microsoft MVP, and now works for Microsoft as a Sr. Content Developer for Azure. Robin regularly speaks about Azure at various .NET User Groups and Code Camps and runs the San Francisco/Silicon Valley Azure meetup. She can be found on Twitter as @RobinDotNet, and you can read her articles about Azure (and other subjects) at
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Speaking Sessions

  • Azure Storage For Everyone

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: RF-141
    Storage is the cornerstone of Azure; you can't do anything in Azure without it. You can also use Storage with any application in any language and not use anything ELSE in Azure. I'll talk about the basics of the services (blobs, queues, tables, and files). We'll also talk about scalability targets and what's been released in the past few months.