11:15 AM Saturday Room: SC-127
Browser Event Handling is an art form to perform efficiently and correctly. Element type have unique characteristics, touch interfaces react differently while attempting to simulate the desktop. This talk covers the effective ways to handle all platforms through the lessons learned over the last two years.
Foundation of Events
* Events and how different elements expect / generate different events.
* Why use input not keyDown, why you may need both.
* Browser differences
* where to place event listens to be efficient
* understanding the event bubble.
How mobile / tablets change everything
* Touch events
* How they translate to mouse events
* The 300ms delay
* How to optimize for the mobile experience
Design and Debugging
* How the track which events are being generated
* How to generate events - faking it
* Custom Events
Wrap up
* Frameworks
Events, Touch, Efficient, Debugging
A general understanding of the Browser Event Model (click, input, mouseover, etc).