About This Session
<p>This triple session (20 mins talk + 5 mins Q&A each) will give an overview of all Google APIs, and then introduce some key Geo technologies.</p>
<p>1. Google APIs A-Z will give an overview of developing using Google's APIs and developer platforms. From App Engine to something ending in Z.</p>
<p>2. KML is the most commonly used geographic presentation file format in the world. This session will give a quick introduction to developing KML and show you some great things that you can do with it.</p>
<p>3. Upload, visualize and embed your data with just a few clicks of the mouse. This session will show you how to use Fusion Tables to simply and easily create some really sweet visualizations of your data.</p>
<p>Both speakers work at Google and are experienced helping developers get started with Google APIs.</p>
Time: 9:45 AM Saturday Room: 5501