3:30 PM Saturday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010session

Monads, Functors, Functions, Java/Scala

About This Session

Monads are a popular buzzword, but basic knowledge is missing among programming community. I'll tell you what a monad is, what a functor is, how it differs from a function, and how it all looks in Scala and Java. Basic stuff... or, rather, foundations. Presentation is here: http://prezi.com/3yecwrcccpj-/monads-functors-functions-javascala/ I'm repeating this talk on 2010/10/11 at 7pm at Twitter (at BASE meeting)

Time: 3:30 PM Saturday    Room: 4301 

The Speaker(s)

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Vlad Patryshev

lead swe, HealthExpense

Born in Russia. Mathematician by education, programmer by profession and hobby. Spent 7 years at Borland, over 3 years at Google. Currently an avid Scala programmer. Also I teach Logic at Santa Clara University.