About This Session
Learn about Scala and Lift from two committers to the Lift web framework project, Indrajit Raychaudhuri and Dave Briccetti.<p><p>
No Scala or Lift experience is needed, but programming experience would be helpful.<p>
Indrajit, who just gave a talk on Lift at JavaOne, will introduce Scala and Lift. Then Dave will present an open source Web application for Twitter, TalkingPuffin Web. Some topics from Dave's presentation:</p>
<li>A small Scala wrapper around the Java Twitter library, Twitter4J
<li>Generating Web page XML constructs using functional features
<li>A Lift widget for the Flot jQuery plotting library, with new pan and zoom support
<li>Word frequency counting, for finding often-used words, and frequently @mentioned screen names
<li>Using Scala functional features to analyze Tweets
<li>Ajax and Comet with Lift
<li>Running under Jetty and Tomcat
Here’s a look at TalkingPuffin Web from the outside: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AUw04qkP0Q
Time: 10:45 AM Sunday Room: 4203
The Speaker(s)
Software developer, Dave Briccetti Software LLC
Software developer and computer programming teacher for grades 3–12.