3:30 PM Saturday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012session

Crash Course: Managing Software People and Teams

"We'd like you to manage the team now." That's about as much introduction - and training - as many of us get before our first day managing.

About This Session

"We'd like you to manage the team now." That's about as much introduction - and training - as many of us get before our first day managing. Often preceded only by, "You're a great programmer and you've got some people skills." But while programming cred and facility with people are helpful qualifications, what do you really need to know to manage well? What makes a manager great? What are the qualities that meld teams and deliver great software? Those are among the questions that led Ron Lichty and his co-author Mickey W. Mantle to write "Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams" (Addison-Wesley, September, www.ManagingTheUnmanageable.net ), now available for pre-order online. In this interactive session, we'll examine the great managers each of us has experienced, and the qualities, skills, finesse and gifts of greatness that made them stand out. We'll talk about "the rest of the job": managing up, managing out, and other aspects of being a seasoned manager that reports mostly don't see. And you'll take away a few best practices that take most managers years to discover.

Time: 3:30 PM Saturday    Room: 8338 

The Speaker(s)

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Ron Lichty

Consultant: Interim VP Engineering, Ron Lichty Consulting, Inc.

Interim VP Eng. Transforming chaos to clarity. Author, Managing the Unmanageable (Addison Wesley)
