10:45 AM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th 2015session

Amazing new features in JavaScript

Learn about the new features in EcmaScript 6 like Scoping, structuring/destructuring, arrow functions, generators, iterators, symbols, classes and modules.

About This Session

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages used today. If you are a Web Application developer, you can't live without it. If you are a back end developer, you will come across some front end code sooner or later. JavaScript is used even at the server side applications like in node.js In this session we will explore most of the new features that are coming from the specification of EcmaScript 6 (ES6 Harmony). We will start with the scoping of the variables using let and constant, touch upon spread operator, default and rest parameters. We will see several examples of structuring/destructuring using variables, arrays and objects. After that we will have a deep dive in arrow functions, iterators and generators, and conclude with the discussions on classes and modules.

Time: 10:45 AM Sunday    Room:  

The Speaker(s)

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Manoj Kumar

Software Engineering, Oracle

Manoj Kumar is a Principal Software Engineer at Oracle, currently working in Oracle Social Network group. He has over 20 years of experience in the software industry working on application servers, application development frameworks and web services. He has M.Tech. in Computer Science and Data Processing from IIT Kharagpur and B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering from IIT BHU, India.