10:45 AM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th 2015session

CoderBunnyz - Teaching coding fundamentals with a fun board game

The instructor, Samaira, an 8 year old creator of the board game “CoderBunnyz”, is working on getting young kids excited about coding in fun way so that they will be able to learn programming more easily as they grow.

About This Session

The session will go over coding fundamentals and a game to introduce coding concepts to young kids. The instructor, Samaira, an 8 year old creator of the board game “CoderBunnyz”, is working on getting young kids excited about coding in fun way. Here’s the workshop outline: • Brief background on coding and introduction. • Start with level 1 of the board game and introduce some basic sequencing and debugging fundamentals. Play a game. • As kids get excited, unlock tokens like carrot, puddle, fence to teach conditionals (if/then/else), jump, strategy and play an intermediate level game. Play a game. • Next, introduce advance cards for learning iteration (loop/repeat) and function. Provide overview on how advanced card could be used to learn these concepts. • Finally, present other ways kids may learn programming fundamental with this simple board game (including dice fun, open play). Kid while playing a board game and having fun would learn concepts on: • Sequence and Strategy • Conditionals if <> then <> else <> • Debugging • Iterations(loops) and Repeat • Functions This is not a session for intermediate or advance Scratch or Tynker kids, but for young beginners who are getting introduced to coding. The idea here is to introduce coding fundamentals to kids, and if they are taught to think logically and even computationally at a young age, they will be able to learn programming more easily as they grow. Prerequisite : None , No prior coding knowledge is required.

Time: 10:45 AM Sunday    Room: RF-141 

The Speaker(s)

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Samaira mehta

Student, coderbunnyz.com

Samaira, 8 yr old girl, created "Coderbunnyz", that teaches programming concepts to young coders.