3:30 PM Saturday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th 2015session

Introduction to Ember 2.0

Ember.js is a framework well-suited for complex and highly interactive apps. Its “convention over configuration” philosophy can end up saving developers from spending time and energy, having to write boilerplate code.

About This Session

Ember.js is a framework well-suited for complex and highly interactive apps. Its “convention over configuration” philosophy can end up saving developers from spending time and energy, having to write boilerplate code. With ember’s recent release of the “2.0” version, the framework is are, more performant, and more complete than ever.

Time: 3:30 PM Saturday    Room: RE-311 

The Speaker(s)

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Mike North

., Mike Works, Inc.

Global web technology speaker, author, educator and trainer.