About This Session
We’ll walk through a new open source desktop Twitter client written in Scala and using Swing. We’ll learn a bit about the Twitter API, easily parsing XML with Scala, and the scala.swing package, using Google Web Services to look up addresses from the latitude and longitudes that appear in some tweets, using Intellij IDEA and Github, and we’ll see a small part of TalkingPuffin that runs on Google App Engine. http://TalkingPuffin.org If the audience is interested, we will also look at BirdShow, a Scala lift Web application that uses Flickr Web Services to get pictures to display. Rough outline: http://www.slideshare.net/dcbriccetti/talkingpuffin-talk
Time: 3:45 PM Saturday Room: 4204
The Speaker(s)
Software developer, Dave Briccetti Software LLC
Software developer and computer programming teacher for grades 3–12.