9:45 AM Saturday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014session

Improving your Frontend with Ember (MVC JS Framework)

Let's have some fun, I hope you join me on this guided adventure through EmberJS!

About This Session

Front end development has really progressed in the last two years. You've probably seen the shifting landscape of JavaScript frameworks, Backbone, Angular, Ember, etc. I'll be giving you an in-depth look at Ember. I'll briefly cover the advantages and disadvantages of Ember (comparative look, not a flame war) and then we'll dive into some awesome code (hello world, explain file structure, explaining resources to help you after my presentation, etc). Front ends can do marvelous things now a days, from caching, fully featured Data Access Layers, and data binding (single source of truth on the model, and templates/views that automagically stay up to date). Let's have some fun, I hope you join me on this guided adventure through EmberJS!

Time: 9:45 AM Saturday    Room: 4201 

The Speaker(s)

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Nick Breen

Systems Analyst, Practice Fusion

Fun loving computer guy. Currently I'm working with Practice Fusion to digitize healthcare records and provide patients and doctors with better data to improve health.