Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014

The Sessions

Silicon Valley Code Camp is the perfect place to watch engaging and entertaining talks given by industry experts and luminaries, and meet with developers for engaging and motivating conversations around specific topics.
221 sessions
  • All about WildFly, Only using demos

    Learn the key features of WildFly using several live demos. Setting up 2-instance cluster, Role Based Access Control, powerful CLI administration, integration with NetBeans/Eclipse/IntelliJ, and a variety of others.
    Room: 4302 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • MongoDB + Vert.x = Red Hot goodness

    Vert.x is a polyglot async ready application server that runs on the JVM. Don't let all the Node.JS hipsters have all the fun - come see the exciting possibilities for JavaScript or Java application with Vert.x and MongoDB.
    Room: 5501 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
  • (Big Data) Introduction to Hadoop using HDInsight

    In this discussion we will be talking about using Hadoop for Big Data. We will talk about how all the pieces fit together, (HDFS, Map Reduce, Pig, Hive, and Zookeeper)
    Room: 1501 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
  • (Big Data) Introduction to Machine Learning using Mahout on Hadoop

    One of the HDInsight key components is Mahout, a scalable machine learning library that provides a number of algorithms relying on the Hadoop platform. In this session we will talk about using Mahout in HDInsight, the R programing language.
    Room: SmithWick Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
  • .Net Distributed Caching

    Distributed caching is an important enabler for stateless architectures that leverage modern patterns like auto scaling. In this session we’ll look at several .Net cache providers and share some practical ways to get started with them now.
    Room: 5501 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • About Venture Capital Fund Raising for Your Startup

    Everything you need to know about raising venture capital: (1) What angel investors are looking for; (2) How convertible notes work; (3) Preparing your pitch; (4) Gaining traction on AngelList; (5) Closing funding quickly.
    Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
  • Accidentally Manager – A Survival Guide for First-Time Engineering Managers

    This session is about your career perspective as an engineer, especially when the path may take an “unexpected” turn from technical lead to first-time engineering manager.
    Room: 5001 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Advanced MongoDB

    This session will go over all recommended practices for a healthy MongoDB deployment. We will draw examples from my experience helping hundreds of customers run MongoDB in production.
    Room: 8338 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Agile at Enterprise Scale: Flipping Sticky Bits

    Want to Grow High Performing Agile Teams? To Enterprise Scale? Learn the Sticky Bits to address for success.
    Room: 4306 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Agile Machine Learning with scikit-learn

    Python is gaining ground in data work. Come and learn about scikit-learn, a leading Machine Learning package for Python.
    Room: 3402 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
  • An Introduction to using Apache Spark for Machine Learning

    Apache Spark is a fast distributed processing engine written in Scala and running atop Hadoop. This talk will describe the Spark MLLib library and then dive in to coding examples in Classification, Clustering, and Feature Selection
    Room: 5001 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • An Introduction to XAML Development

    XAML is Microsoft’s premier, declarative user interface technology. It spans every device-type and every Windows platform. Come get a primer on XAML: the syntax, controls, and basic techniques.
    Room: 5502 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
  • Analyzing On-Chip Interconnect with Modern C++

    Modern C++ libraries and techniques applied to a representative problem in Electronic Design Automation.
    Room: 4301 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
  • Angular or Backbone: Go Mobile!

    This talk will take an intimate look at two of today’s most popular frameworks, Angular and Backbone and explore their differences. We will demonstrate a “To Do” mobile app using Angular and Backbone, with access to native device capabilities.
    Room: 8338 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
  • AngularJS app testing for real

    AngularJS app testing made (kind of) easy. Ward demonstrates testing techniques to overcome certain well-known hurdles and explains how ngMocks work.
    Room: 1501 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
  • AngularJS or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Web Development

    Angular is what HTML would have been had it been designed to build web applications. This session provides JavaScript developers with a quick start to building Web applications with AngularJS.
    Room: SmithWick Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • API Antipatterns: How to identify and avoid them

    In this talk I’ll discuss various antipatterns that creep into the API design and implementation, and how to identify and avoid them.
    Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • API Mobile App-Driven Development Made Easy

    In this talk we’ll show you a few easy ways to proxy your mobile apps HTTP(s) requests to better test and debug mobile apps with APItools ( Let’s make it easier!
    Room: 4301 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Application Development on Hadoop using Cascading

    Cascading is the popular Java-based application development framework for building Big Data applications on Apache Hadoop. This session will give an introduction to Cascading, how it works, and then dive straight in.
    Room: 1401 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
  • Apply software development principles to live/work spaces

    Imagine your very own multi-purpose dwelling environment that adjusts to your needs throughout the day and over the course of your life, inspires you to fully unfold your potential and effectively works to maximize your well-being/performance.
    Room: 5001 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
  • Apps Evolved with the OneNote API

    OneNote is much more than a note-taking app. It is the place for users to remember everything. Learn how the next generation apps integrating with the OneNote API can become more personal and enable them do more.
    Room: 3401 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • ASP.Net MVC Tips and Tricks

    In this session you'll learn several tips and techniques to make it easier to create ASP.Net MVC sites, optimize performance, and make maintenance easier.
    Room: 4301 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
  • Automating Windows with Chef

    Let's talk about the state of Automation with Chef.
    Room: 5502 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
  • Azure Development with the Visual Studio Tools

    Get an overview of using Azure and VSO, through the tooling features of Visual Studio.
    Room: 4201 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
  • Azure for Open Source Developers

    Learn how to use Node, Python, and other OSS technologies on Azure, Microsoft's cloud platform.
    Room: 5501 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
  • Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS in the Microsoft cloud)

    Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines is the IaaS offering in the Azure Platform. In this session, Neil will provide an in-depth review of Azure Virtual Machines and describe some best practices in deploying applications into Azure Virtual Machines.
    Room: 4201 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
  • Azure, .NET and the Internet of Things

      The Internet of Things (IoT) movement is picking up steam. It's estimated that by 2020, the IoT will be an $8.9 trillion market with over 200 billion connected devices.
      Room: 4302 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Beer Locker: Building a RESTful API with Node.js

      Learn how to create a RESTful API in Node.js with Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB.
      Room: SmithWick Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Being Efficient with Azure Automation

      This presentation covers the fundamentals of the Azure Automation service and provides some insights into how to leverage it with your own solutions.
      Room: 4202 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Beyond Push Pins - Creating Enhanced Map Displays

      The Google and Bing map services offer many predefined map, which one can simple past on to one web page or into one's application. This presentation will focus on how to create a custom map when the predefined maps do not meet your needs. .
      Room: 4310 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Blogging to Fuel the SEO Engine

      Building SEO rankings requires creating content, and a lot of it. Session will explore ways to create content that's worthy of reading and sharing.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Bringing Web content to the Big Screen with Google Cast

      Have you ever wanted to expand your web app to enable a multi-screen experience leveraging large display devices like a television? Google Cast allows you to share content with a Google Cast receiver device, such as a Chromecast.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Buidling a Universal App in an Hour

      Windows now spans form factors and platforms. With Universal Apps, a single code base can be written to span all Microsoft Platforms. In this session we'll build a simple Universal App in an hour.
      Room: 1401 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Build a cross-platform enterprise LOB mobile app with offline sync

      Learn how to build enterprise LOB iOS, Android, and Windows Apps which use offline sync for intermittent connectivity.
      Room: 3106 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Build Your First iOS App

      Ever wanted to build your own app; well here is your chance to build your very first App for an iOS device!
      Room: PSEC4601 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Building 'Bootiful' Applications with Spring Boot

      Spring Boot marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development not just fly, but pleasant! Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long for a look at what Spring Boot is and how to get started.
      Room: 8401 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Building Apps with the Office 365 API Client Libraries

      In this talk, you will see you how to use the Office 365 API client tools for Visual Studio to build on a variety of applications and platforms from traditional Windows desktop to Android using Xamarin.
      Room: 4203 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Building Killer Apps with Neo4j

      Join Kenny Bastani as we look at the benefits of using a graph database, explore various use cases and walkthrough creating a movie recommendation app on Neo4j 2.0.
      Room: 8402 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Business of App Development

      What makes some apps rise up the charts and others flop? Learn the tricks you need to know to out maneuver your competition.
      Room: 4201 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • C++11 in the Wild: Techniques from a Real Codebase

      Techniques from MemSQL's C++11 codebase. The Auto() macro is the next evolution of OnScopeExit(). make_iterable (a.k.a. as_range) allows "viewing" an arbitrary range as if it were a container. StringConverter. std::spaceship.
      Room: 5001 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Circuit Art

      This session is a about having fun with play dough and learn about electricity and circuits. It is for kids in grades K1-5.
      Room: PSEC4601 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Clean Code I - Best Practices

      Writing clean code already makes you more efficient during the initial development time & results in more stable code. We will review best practices which will make you write better and more easily maintainable code, seeing code in a holistic way.
      Room: 5015 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Clean Code II - Cut your Dependencies with Dependency Injection

      We will dive into the basics of Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection (DI) to review different ways of achieving decoupling, using and exploring both: Best Practices, Design and Anti Patterns.
      Room: 5001 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Clean Code: Homicidal Maniacs Read Code, Too

      The world is constantly changing, and our code needs to change with it. We'll think in small pieces and look at some principles and techniques that will keep our code manageable and understandable.
      Room: 4306 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • CODE Framework WPF MVC/MVVM Projects

      How to use the WPF MVVM/MVC framework subset of the CODE Framework to build a highly productive interface. Emphasis is building reusable, maintainable interfaces for all skill levels without sacrificing implementation & architecture quality.
      Room: 8403 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Code Shaming, Anti Patterns in Action

      As part of my job at Microsoft I see a lot of code. Some great, some good, some not so much. In this session we'll explore some of the common anti patterns seen in cloud services at scale, and how to find and expunge them.
      Room: 8402 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Community, Career and You: a Microsoft MVP Panel

      No person survives as an island, and no career grows spontaneously. In this session, we will discuss how to strategically grow your professional opportunities by participating in technical communities.
      Room: 4221 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Connecting Stuff to Azure, and What Happens Along the Way

      From cars, to thermostats, through media players and embedded controllers, devices are being connected to the Internet at a furious pace. This session will discuss and demonstrate and coding practices from live Azure customers.
      Room: 1401 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Continuous Integration for Databases

      Continuous Intergration (CI) is a well known process in the software development world, but it’s not often implemented with databases. This talk will show how to implement continuous integration for databases.
      Room: 5502 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Cracking the Coding Interview

      From the author of the best-selling coding interview book, this talk will teach you how to prepare for coding interviews and how to tackle the toughest programming and algorithm problems.
      Room: SmithWick Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Cracking the Product Manager Interview

      Product managers are sometimes called the "CEO of a product." But what is a product manager really and how you do you land this role? How to crack the PM interview?
      Room: 5015 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Create Influence, On Demand

      Want Jedi like leadership? & success w/o a lightsabre? Learn to Create Influence, On Demand
      Room: 4201 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Creating a RESTFUL Web Service for Microsoft SQL Server

      An overview of the components, configuration settings, and implementation steps required to create a PHP-based RESTful web service connected to Microsoft SQL Server on the back end.
      Room: 4306 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Creating HTML5-based Apps for Wearable Technologies

      Learn how to create and deploy HTML5-based apps (CSS3/Canvas/D3/etc) to wearable technologies such as Google Glass.
      Room: 1401 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Creating REST services with JAX-RS

      We will look at how to create some simple APIs using JAX-RS (RESTEasy and Spring) and deploy to Tomcat.
      Room: 4221 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Dart - the new Javascript?

      This session gives brief overview of the Dart language and compares it to writing web applications in JavaScript and GWT (Java compiled to JavaScript) as well as experiences creating a sizable Dart application.
      Room: 4220 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Data Visualization Using Pov-Ray 3.7

      Data visualization using 3 and 4 dimensional strategies will be explored using a free ray tracing engine.
      Room: 4306 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Debunking The Agile Myth: Agile is NOT Just for Software!

      You will learn about the results of our 2013 research with Silicon Valley companies which shows that the most impactful elements Agile/Scrum are not unique to software, and I will share best practices that can be applied to mixed-platforms.
      Room: 4221 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Deep dive into Windows Phone apps: Sensors, Bluetooth, Cortana

      Deep dive into rapidly expanding Microsoft platform that brings a new set of amazing features: from AI to sensors support, new features in Bluetooth API and background tasks, maps and more!
      Room: 3106 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Deploying Applications into Docker Containers

      Join me in this session as I show you how to deploy your first app using Docker containers.
      Room: 4306 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Design Strategies with AngularJS

      AngularJS has changed the way we think about web-development. This session is for programmers interested in using AngularJS seriously and will focus on three patterns of usage: multi-page, single page, and legacy applications.
      Room: 5015 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API

      In this presentation, Les Hazlewood - Stormpath CTO and Apache Shiro PMC Chair - will share all of the golden nuggets learned while designing, implementing and supporting JSON-based REST APIs, using examples from a clean real-world REST+JSON API.
      Room: SmithWick Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Designing Irresistible APIs

      Learn how to make your API a First Class Product - the process taught here will help developers, product managers and executives understand how to create an API with vision, value and an engaging developer experience.
      Room: 5015 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Develop the right product faster: design thinking for engineers

      Learn how to become a Product Engineer by applying abstract design thinking to solving customer problems. This session will introduce the important skills to move from solving problems in code to solving problems with code.
      Room: 5501 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Developing applications with a micro-service architecture

      In this talk we describe the micro-service architecture and how to use it to build complex applications.
      Room: 8338 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Developing Automated Stock Trading System with Node.js

      Learn how to use JavaScript on Node.js to write your own stock trading program. Bonus material on how the whole addon was written.
      Room: 8403 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Developing Office 365 Cloud Business Apps with Visual Studio

      In this demo-heavy session, you will see the latest enhancements we’ve made in Visual Studio that allow developers to build connected, touch-centric, cross-platform, HTML5-based business applications for Office 365.
      Room: 4203 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Developing Real Time Recommendation Engine

      Based on Hadoop framework, Models, Statistics and Machine Learning, KIJI is a powerful framework to develop real time recommendation engines. In this session, let us learn it in detail and discuss use cases.
      Room: 4202 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Distributed Systems - Patterns and Practices

      Patterns and practices for developing and deploying distributed systems.
      Room: 8338 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Dive into Cloud Foundry PaaS

      Cloud Foundry PaaS dramatically reduces development cycles and accelerates time to market for developers and cloud operators alike. Enterprises seeking to leverage PaaS can now consider numerous options for both public and private deployments.
      Room: 8403 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Don't Screw Up Your Licensing

      Learn how to avoid licensing pitfalls from an experienced programmer-turned-lawyer.
      Room: 3106 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Engineering without Borders

      Research demonstrates that openly recognizing cultural differences and intentionally strengthening social ties among team members are criteria for building trust in distributed teams.
      Room: 4220 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Enterprise ready Mobile app consuming DBaaS offered by Bluemix

      Want the power of IBM's database and mobile platform but don't want to install, configure and manage it? Then you need to learn about managed data services in Bluemix. We will show how IBM Bluemix, an open-standards, cloud-based developer platform for building, deploying and managing apps can be leveraged for rapid application development on the cloud built on top of enterprise-level data services, Mobile Platform and Java Runtime.
      Room: 8401 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Node Authentication

      Want to build secure web applications with Node.js? This session will cover everything you've ever wanted to know about authentication with Node.js.
      Room: 8402 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Evolve Your Code: Fundamental Design Principles

      If I could travel back in time and give the rookie developer version of myself an hour of advice on how to write better code, this session will be that advice.
      Room: 5015 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Exception-Safe Coding in C++: Part I

      Are you 100% confident that your code is exception-safe? Safe exception usage is a problem that we've struggled with for decades. You'll know how to create code that is easier to read and write, faster, and 100% robust in the face of exceptions.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Exception-Safe Coding in C++: Part II

      Are you 100% confident that your code is exception-safe? Safe exception usage is a problem that we've struggled with for decades. You'll know how to create code that is easier to read and write, faster, and 100% robust in the face of exceptions.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Exploring the Brain-Computer Interface

      The Brain-Computer Interface is a mainstay of science-fiction. Come learn the science fact with an actual demonstrations of a Brain-Computer Interface in action as a volunteer flies a Quadricopter using only their mind.
      Room: 4301 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • F# for the C# developer

      F# is a .NET language that mixes functional and Object Oriented approaches seamlessly, encourages writing bug-free code, and is incredibly productive. I will illustrate with live code where it fits and how you can get started with it.
      Room: 4305 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • F# on the Web

      Most people think of F# as good at math or complex problem solving. It is actually a fantastic for a very wide array of tasks, including web programming, which helped the start-up Tachyus go from 0 to production in 12 weeks.
      Room: 3106 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • First steps with MongoDB

      MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL database that is fast and scalable. This talk will arm you with the essential skills to start using Mongo. Leave your tabular thinking behind and come see how things can be very different with MongoDB.
      Room: 5015 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Foothill College Does Everything, Learn More

      How do community colleges like Foothill College fit into the California education and workforce landscape?  How does Foothill transfer 19 students to MIT in the past 6 years AND consistently have Dental Hygiene students with a 100% pass rate for the National Board?  Come to this session and join this presentation and open discussion lead by John Mummert, VP of Workforce Development and Institutional Advancement at Foothill.  Topics will include:

      Room: 4305 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • From Idea to API in Half a Day with RAML

      You will learn how to collaboratively design an API from scratch for great user experience. You will learn how to iterate with your users, using their feedback to help you get your API right from the start.
      Room: 4302 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Full Stack Web Performance

      This session covers how to use client and server side profiling tools to pinpoint opportunities for improvement in web applications and solutions to the most common performance problems.
      Room: 8338 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style

      Learn from some mind-bending examples of generic lambdas in C++14 and how they open doors to the Functional programming style in C++14.
      Room: 3402 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Fun with Scratch

      This workshop will get the kids introduced to Scratch programming.
      Room: PSEC4501 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Fun with Scratch - Part 2

      Fun with Scratch Part 2, learn how to build interactive games and have fun.
      Room: PSEC4501 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Functional Programming for Production Quality Code

      Practical functional techniques for correct production quality code using the strongly-typed functional-first language F#. Applicable across Linux and Windows servers, all mobile devices, and single board computers such as Raspberry Pi.
      Room: 4201 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Functional Reactive JavaScript: Theory & Practice

      An introduction to Functional Reactive Programming. We'll focus on building interactive JavaScript apps but also step back a couple of times to look at the general value of this approach to modeling computation.
      Room: 1501 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • GameMaker Studio: Easy Game Development for All Ages

      You will be introduced to GameMaker Studio drag and drop functionality with brief exposure to scripting. In the process, you will learn how to create a "game plan", identifying the game assets and objects, and designing behaviors and interactions.
      Room: PSEC4603 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Get MEAN! MongoDb + express + angular + node

      Discover these four technologies and how they combine in a web app written entirely in JavaScript. This is an orientation, made tangible through exploration of “Zza”, an online pizza parlor app.
      Room: 5001 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Get Started with Azure Tonight

      Microsoft is committed to Azure, and so are many growing number of users. There are so many featues getting added to Azure every day that its becomming challenging to keep up with new features and take full advantage of offering.
      Room: 4221 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Getting RESTless with MeteorJS and MongoDB in the Browser

      Meteor allows you to quickly build interactive, multi-user, realtime applications. In this session, we'll take a look at the data APIs and security controls that Meteor provides, allowing for client-side access to MongoDB in the browser.
      Room: 1401 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Getting started with developing Big Data Solutions using HBase.

      Having problem scaling your SQL Database? In this session, you will learn how setup MapR Sandbox and get started with HBase application development, in some cases, to work around to implement transactions using HBase.
      Room: 5015 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Getting started with Hadoop on the Cloud

      This session will provide a brief introduction to what Hadoop is, how does cloud work and will then focus on how to get started via a series of demos.
      Room: 8403 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Greenfoot Games and Simulations 1

      Students will be introduced to Greenfoot and Java programming, and will use the Java programming language to define objects, variables and methods for implementing simulations and games.
      Room: PSEC4602 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Greenfoot Games and Simulations 2

      Students will be introduced to Greenfoot and Java programming, and will use the Java programming language to define objects, variables and methods for implementing simulations and games.
      Room: PSEC4602 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Growing technologists through autonomy, mastery and purpose

      Enable technical people to thrive through autonomy, mastery, purpose as measured by eNPS
      Room: 4223 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Hardening your code

      How to make your code base more reliable; tips, tools, and techniques. C++ oriented talk.
      Room: 5001 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • High performance networking for QEMU/KVM based virtual machines

      An introduction to the Message Queue NIC virtualized, high performance ethernet interface for QEMU based virtual machines. The mqnic driver uses zero copy vm<->host data transfers to provide high bandwidth IP throughput for virtual machines.
      Room: 5501 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Hiring A Big Data and Data Science Team

      Hiring a new member to your team is always a daunting task. Now combine that with looking to fill “The Sexiest Job of the Century”, Data Scientist, or the equally hard to find, "Data Wrangler", and you can have quite the conundrum.
      Room: 4203 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • How Do Teams Reach High Performance?

      This year Greg Geracie and Ron Lichty will present key findings from the 2014 global study of product team performance. Join us! Learn how you can improve your product team's performance!
      Room: 5502 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • How Our SaaS Startup Got 1000 Early Beta Customers

      We'll outline exactly how we got our SaaS startup 1,000 beta customers. We entered Techstars with an unscalable business. We recognized that, scrapped it, dug deep for customer feedback and pivoted.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • How to Build Your Own Internet of Things Product with Raspberry PI

      In this session you will start with a pile of hardware and build a working, cloud-enabled device from the ground up. You will build some key skills, such as building the device from hardware, writing device and cloud software.
      Room: 1501 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • How to use the Azure File Service

      Come learn about the new Azure Files preview feature and how to use it.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • How to Win a Hackathon

      I've organized hundreds of hackathons. I can tell you with absolute certainty that most contestants follow a methodology that has 0% chance of winning a hackathon. In this session I'll teach you what I've learned about hackathon winners and also how you can use your hackathon skill to succeed in other endeavors.

      Room: 1501 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • I Own Your Web App

      Web applications are very often wide-open doors for hackers, including the Code Camp website. I will demonstrate several common vulnerabilities, including: SQL Injection Cross-Site Request Forgery Cross-Site Scripting Local File Inclusion
      Room: 1401 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • If We Are Agile, Why Do We Need Managers?

      CTO-to-go. Untangling the knots in development. Co-author: Study of Product Team Performance; and Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams (Addison-Wesley, )
      Room: 1501 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Implementing Row-Level Security in Microsoft SQL Server

      A survey of the principles of security labeling, with implementation of row- and column-level security, particularly within the Microsoft SQL Server framework, and a live demonstration of the architecture and principles at work.
      Room: 4202 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Improving your Frontend with Ember (MVC JS Framework)

      Let's have some fun, I hope you join me on this guided adventure through EmberJS!
      Room: 4201 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Intro to Mobile Game Programming with Cocos2d-x, Part 1

      Learn to build mobile games with the free and open source Cocos2d-x game engine.
      Room: 4220 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Intro to Mobile Game Programming with Cocos2d-x, Part 2

      In the second session, we will put together a simple but playable game.
      Room: 4220 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Intro to Neo4j

      This session is a high level introduction to graph databases. We'll start with an overview of Neo4j including why graphs matter, and then review the difference between relational and graph models.
      Room: 8403 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Intro to Relational Database Design & Entity-Relationship Diagrams

      Mark will cover the basics of designing and setting up a database schema.
      Room: 8402 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Introducing RaveJS: Zero-config JavaScript applications

      Introducing RaveJS. Rave eliminates configuration, machinery, and complexity. Stop configuring and tweaking file watchers, minifiers, and transpilers just to get to a runnable app.
      Room: 8401 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Introduction to Big Data

      So you have been hearing the talk about Big Data and you have decided to did a little deeper and find out what it means to you. Well then this is the session for you.
      Room: 1501 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Introduction to Google's PageRank Algorithm

      This talk is an introduction to Google's search methods with a focus on the mathematical background of the PageRank algorithm.
      Room: 5501 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Introduction to Machine Learning with Azure ML

      Azure ML is a cloud service for predictive analytics, allowing simple drag-and-drop gestures for people without deep data science background. In this session, we will explore Azure ML and other approaches to machine learning in the cloud on Azure.
      Room: 8338 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)

      Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Understanding (NLU) aim to make machines process human languages like English. This session will provide a complete overview of the field from the basic structure of human languages to the state of the art.
      Room: 8338 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Introduction to NoSQL

      This talk is designed to get you oriented in the new world of NoSQL databases. I'll cover how we got here, where we're at, and where we're going.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Introduction to Python – Beginners – Level 1

      This is two-hour course on introduction to Python, wherein students will learn basics of programming in python, Python Shell, input/output statements, data types, and conditional executions. For 6+ graders.
      Room: PSEC4502 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Introduction to Python – Beginners – Level 2

      This session will cover Python types such as List, Tuples, and Dictionary. We will delve into these topics in much detail through examples and hands-on exercise. 6+ grader is required to attend this session.
      Room: PSEC4502 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Introduction to Smartwatch Programming

      In this session we are going to discuss how to approach smartwatch programming then we will compare several smartwatch development platforms including Pebble, Android Wear, Samsung Tizen, Sony Smartwatch and Apple Watch.
      Room: 4201 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Introductory Minecraft Modding with Forge - Part 1

      In this session, you will learn the basics of making Minecraft mods using Forge. We will setup a basic development environment and create a few mods.
      Room: PSEC4501 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Introductory Minecraft Modding with Forge - Part II

      In this session, you will learn the basics of making Minecraft mods using Forge. We will setup a basic development environment and create a few plugins.
      Room: PSEC4501 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • IoT Magic Show

      We are going to try to put on the most spectacular magic show that has ever been seen on the stage at a tech conference! [geeks only]
      Room: 5501 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Java EE 7 development using Eclipse

      Learn how to build a Java EE 7 application using Eclipse.
      Room: 4301 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Java on Rails - Using Spring Boot For Rapid Application Development

      Spring Boot provides a rapid development framework leveraging a host of Spring and third party components. It favors convention over configuration and gets many of the basics up and running with virtually no code OR configuration required.
      Room: 4223 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • JavaScript and Internet Controlled Hardware Prototyping

      In this session we'll be exploring how to build rapid hardware prototypes using Arduino boards, all controlled through JavaScript and API data, to allow for innovative, web enabled, software to hardware development techniques.
      Room: 8338 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • JavaScript Game Microservers

      Writing small servers with nodejs to implement backend functionality for game composition.
      Room: 4301 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Javascript Testing with Jasmine 101

      • Roy Yu
        Roy Yu
      This session will be presenting the basic of javascript testing, and how to have a mind set of writing testable code. We will be using Jasmine, a javascript testing framework, and we will be using the behavior testing style provided by Jasmine.
      Room: 8403 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Keyword Research Under a Microscope: Advanced SEO Techniques

      This session focuses on the applied science of SEO. It gets into the nitty-gritty of search optimization fundamentals including keyword research and analysis.
      Room: 8401 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Kicking the Bukkit: Anatomy of an open source meltdown

      On September 3rd, 2014, a disgruntled ex-developer erased from the internet the work of over 150 developers over four years. This is the story of the Bukkit Minecraft server project's demise, and how you protect your project from its fate.
      Room: 4310 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Kids @ Play - Build your first mobile game for the Google Play Store

      Bring your own laptop and an Android phone or tablet (optional) and join us in this fun hands-on interactive session. We will be developing a mobile game using the Corona Game Engine and upload it onto the Android App Store.
      Room: PSEC4603 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Kodu with Kids!

      Microsoft Research's Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone! Kids will love learning computer programming and concepts visually!
      Room: PSEC4603 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Launch an Angular app in 75 minutes

      In this 75 session, you’ll build and launch your first AngularJS app. Along the way, you’ll learn about many of the core features of Angular. Click the materials link to see the code that we'll write in the course.
      Room: 8338 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Launching Your Career In Big Data

      Practical tips for developers thinking of switching to Big Data
      Room: 4306 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Lean Startup for Engineers

      Learn how to identify your customer and understand their problem. Only then can you be sure you're solving the right problem for the right person. Critical for anyone building software or developing products. Your mind WILL BE BLOWN!
      Room: 8402 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Learn JavaScript by modeling and solving Rubik's Cuibe

      Learn JavaScript, new upcoming features, concepts of object oriented and functional programming by modeling Rubik’s cube!
      Room: SmithWick Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Learn to Love Lambdas (C#)

      Lambda expressions can be confusing the first time you walk up to them. But once you get to know them, you’ll see that they are a great addition to your toolbox. Used properly, they can add elegance and simplicity to your code.
      Room: 4301 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Lego Mindstorms Programming 4 Kids

      In this session we will be using the Java programming language to write simple algorithms that power windmills, drive cars, and draw pictures using Lego Mindstorms EV3.
      Room: PSEC4502 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Manage your life: Web-based goal, time, project, health management

      This session is an attempt to not only offer some fresh approaches to time/goal management, but also to engage in a discussion about new ideas and look at some thought-provoking concepts for total life management.
      Room: 1401 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Managing Programmers. Programmers are not like the other kids

      Techniques that are effective in managing other professions do not work on programmers. This talk is for managers who want to be better managers of programmers, and for programmers who want to help their managers to be better managers of programmers
      Room: 1501 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Manipulating Properties in Scala. Why Flat Properties are Best.

      During the last 2 years I've been developing a container for properties in Scala. Other solutions exist, but this one is pretty sophisticated. I'll also demonstrate why properties should be flat in memory.
      Room: 4223 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Map, flatmap and reduce are your new best friends

      In this talk you will learn how these and other higher-order functions enable you to write simple, expressive and concise code that solve problems in a diverse set of domains.
      Room: 5502 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Maximize your Cache for no Cash

      There are six levels of cache between your code and the users browser experience. You can take advantage of them all to provide a quicker, slicker, better user experience for the user and it won't cost you a dime to do it.
      Room: 4305 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Mobile apps security. Beyond XSS, CSRF and SQLi

      This talk will be focused on how to develop secure mobile apps. We will look into specifics regarding mobile development and what are the best practices. Beyond SQLi, XSS and CSRF, we will cover protocols, secure storage, secrets, caching, logging...
      Room: 5502 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Modern Web Diagnostics with a Glimpse into ASP.NET

      Getting started with Modern Web Diagnostics with a Glimpse into ASP.NET. Learn what Glimpse is, how and when to use it, and much more.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Monetize Your iOS and Android Apps with Multiple Ad Networks

      Want to monetize your app? You can use multiple ad networks to maximize your revenue. Stop by for a walkthrough of the MoPub UI before diving into code to see how easy it is to get ads up and running on a sample app by integrating the MoPub SDK.
      Room: 1401 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • MTUT: A C++ Framework for Cross-Thread Unit Testing

      I present a C++ framework for modeling interactions between threads in a single thread's sequence, as an extension to existing C++ unit test frameworks, such as boost.Test or googletest.
      Room: 5502 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • MVC + Knockout Sing and Dance

      Make your ASP.NET MVC sing and dance with Knockout goodness. Learn the reasons why you might want to do it, as well as pros and cons of the options available: knockout.js and Knockout MVC.
      Room: 4310 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • MySQL Enterprise Monitor

      Session describes the basic components that make up the MySQL Enterprise Monitor product.
      Room: 4305 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Node JS 101

      During this session you'll learn how integrate Node.JS into your application stack, using it to respond to html5 websocket requests, generating dynamic web pages, and accessing data in both SQL and NOSQL databases.
      Room: SmithWick Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Obama, JQuery, & ASP.NET SignalR. Getting Started with the Real-Time Web

      This session is intended for the everyday developer who is interested in a more traditional implementation of the (non-game-related) of the Real Time Web with ASP.NET SignalR.
      Room: 4203 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Offline Speech Recognition for Mobile Developers

      We will review the state of offline speech recognition and discuss how to write your own SR app. No prior experience required.
      Room: 4221 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Open Source and Web Development Using OpenUI5

      Most probably you heard about Open Source already! But, what does it actually mean to be open source? What are the benefits? In this speaking session, I'll explain and examine Open Source practices while giving practical web development examples.
      Room: PSEC4604 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Parallel and Async Scripting with PowerShell

      Learn how to break your scripts into discrete tasks that can be ran in Parallel to speed them up and also look at how to script async operations.
      Room: 3401 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Performance Testing with Visual Studio

      This session will provide you with an overview of the tools available to you for Web and Service Testing, as well as some best practices based on projects I've been working on, and what has worked out best for our team.
      Room: 4221 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • PhoneGap + Android/iOS + Google Maps Plugin

      PhoneGap is a JavaScript framework for building mobile apps. You are able to build your app using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. In this session, I will introduce a Google Maps Plugin for PhoneGap, and how to use it.
      Room: 5502 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Plugins for the Web - A Way to Allow Others to Improve Your Application

      This session will cover how QuickBooks Online (QBO) solves the problem of allowing internal and external development teams to enhance its experience
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Porting Quake III to F#: A Journey to Functional Programming

      FQuake3 is a project started by Will as an attempt to port id Software’s Quake III Arena to F# and to figure out how functional programming can be applied to game engines.
      Room: 3401 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • PowerShell and DevOps

      Learn to use PowerShell to troubleshoot and monitor application
      Room: 3106 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Practical Performance Tips & Tricks: Make Your HTML/JavaScript Apps Faster

      We will demonstrate performance tips and tricks that will help you improve the performance of your apps and sites. Discuss the following respond to network requests, speed and responsiveness, optimizing media usage, and writing fast JavaScript.
      Room: 8402 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Programming a Graphical Web Game, Part 1

      Learn to program a graphical game that runs in a Web browser using JavaScript, the Phaser ( gaming library, HTML and CSS.
      Room: PSEC4602 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Programming a Graphical Web Game, Part 2

      Learn to program a graphical game that runs in a Web browser using JavaScript, the Phaser ( gaming library, HTML and CSS.
      Room: PSEC4602 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Proximity API for Windows Phone

      Learn how to make your Windows Phone devices talk to each other! In this session you we will use the Proximity API to establish a connection with peer apps within wireless range, either by browsing for nearby devices running your app, or using NFC.
      Room: 4202 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Put pencil to paper, sketching skills for Engineers

      Sketching is an essential communication tool between design and engineering. If you are interested in sketching and want to building confidence in contributing to design conversation and decisions, then this is the session for you!
      Room: 4306 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Quality Dashboard - One stop shop to determine product quality

      Think about having all the quality metrics at one place; Automatically generate your release reports and determine the health of your current release. Build the intelligence to report the status based on various rules.
      Room: 4203 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Rapid Application Development Using Data Services in Bluemix

      Come, learn to develop enterprise grade application quickly and easily using node-red and IoT technology in IBM Bluemix.
      Room: 8401 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Raspberry Pi Gaming 4 Kids

      We will use the Raspberry Pi in this session to explore basic programming concepts in the context of a simple computer game. Students will get a chance to assemble it from scratch, learn to use the command line, and to make small game enhancements.
      Room: PSEC4502 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Reactive Programming with DDS and Rx

      Rx4DDS.NET: Reactive Programming using RTI Connext DDS and Microsoft Rx
      Room: 4202 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Reactive, unidirectional data without a required client/server technology

      At Delphix, we have been shipping a system that reactively delivers server data to clients for a couple years. While our server is in Java, and our clients are in JavaScript and ActionScript, the system is easily applied to other technologies.
      Room: 4202 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Real world RESTful service development problems and solutions

      This session will cover some of the best practices, lessons learned, deep dive in designing RESTful services. This can be targeted for the novices to advanced programmers.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Real world reversible debugging for C/C++ developers on Linux

      Through a series of demos Greg will give an in-depth look at the Undo technology and how it works. Greg will also detail how to record a program's execution and debug problems on-site at the customer. Q and A session at the end of the talk.
      Room: 4201 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Rock Your Code With Defensive Programming

      This is a companion session to the “Rock Your Coding Standards” that takes writing better code to the next level.
      Room: 8401 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Rock Your Technical Interview (Part 1)

      Have you ever not gotten a job due to not being prepared for the technical interview? Do you want a big raise? Then this session is for you!
      Room: SmithWick Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Rock Your Technical Interview (Part 2)

      Have you ever not gotten a job due to not being prepared for the technical interview? Do you want a big raise? Then this session is for you!
      Room: 1501 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Running Your Spring Apps in the Cloud

      Get your Spring applications running in the cloud, specifically in Cloud Foundry. Learn how containers (yep, like Docker) are used in a PaaS, how to abstract app to services bindings, and about cross-site scripting and session state caching.
      Room: 4302 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • SaaS Workflows & Git Best Practices

      For developers and build engineers looking to migrate to Git or who feel that they're not getting the most out of their workflow.
      Room: 4220 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Scaling Up: Tame Key Business Processes and Grow Fast!

      Dress for Success! An overview of the key business processes involved as your company begins to take off including quote-to-cash pipeline, revenue recognition, revenue forecasting – and the steps you can take to keep such systems well integrated.
      Room: 5502 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Secure REST with Sencha Ext JS & Node.js

      Learn to use Sencha Architect with Sencha Ext JS to consume RESTful resources and use Node.js to make resources available securely using REST. No prior experience with any of the technologies is expected.
      Room: 4310 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Selling Basics for Startups

      This event has been organized specifically for startup founders and early employees who do not have robust sales backgrounds and want to learn more about effective selling techniques and best practices.
      Room: 4220 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • SharePoint 2013 Columns>>Content Types

      Fundamentals of SharePoint Content Management Solutions with PowerShell
      Room: 4301 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • Simple Contextual User Doc SDK via WordPad

      documentation, user guides, and “how tos” in Windows .Net desktop applications. Since it uses rich text format (rtf) documents as input it provides a simple, familiar way to compose text with graphics, bullet lists, tables etc.
      Room: 8401 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Simplifying Big Data development using Spring XD

      In this session, we will discuss the capabilities of Spring XD ( and I will show how to build a real world big data application using Spring XD.
      Room: 8403 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Solving performance problems on Java web applications - Our experiences

      Tune Java web applications. identify and solve performance issues.
      Room: 4301 Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Solving Problems with Fusion

      C++11 has standardized tuples in the language; however, they leave much to be desired. Working with heterogeneous containers in a generic fashion can require above average template meta-programming skills. See what Fusion can do for you!
      Room: 8401 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday 
    • Spark -- fast and easy processing of Big Data

      Introduction to Apache Spark framework , high level overview and demo
      Room: 4306 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Start the journey to Internet of Things with Arduino

      In this workshop kids will be introduced to open-source microcontroller Arduino. They will build a simple circuit, interface it to Arduino and learn how to write and upload a sketch.
      Room: PSEC4601 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Start the journey to Internet of Things with Arduino - Part 2

      This continuation of the first workshop. In this workshop kids will be introduced to open-source microcontroller Arduino. They will build a simple circuit, interface it to Arduino and learn how to write and upload a sketch.
      Room: PSEC4601 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Swift language and using Playgrounds

      A detailed tutorial of the Swift programming language and in depth tour of the new Playgrounds.
      Room: 5001 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Syncing Is Hard

      This talk will cover all the things you're probably NOT thinking about when rolling your own syncing engine, like offline caching, change notification, and advanced conflict resolution.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
    • Synthesizing an Optimized Application Specific OS for your IoT Device

      Software synthesis can automatically create a fast, small, secure operating system based on the application requirements that is ideal for the IoT.
      Room: 3106 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Tap into the $1.12 Trillion dollar Business Travel industry

      Business Travel is a $1.12 trillion dollar industry with a big opportunity for Developers to tap into. In this session you will get a high level overview of the Concur Platform that allows you to tap into this opportunity.
      Room: 4223 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • TCP/IP Networking for Developers

      Learn what developers need to know about networking (The TCP/IP kind, not the Facebook kind).
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Technology and fashion awaken the soul of the shoe.

      Understanding of wearable devices as a fusion of contemporary fashion and advanced technology. Detailed overview of existing products and code samples of sensors capturing physiological data. Insider view on collaboration with a fashion company.
      Room: 4221 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • Test driving Azure Search and DocumentDB

      Covers setting up Azure Search and DocumentDB; generation of data into a site with a search first experience backed by NOSQL; CRUD operations in Search and DocumentDB; when to choose NOSQL over relational; faceted searches in Azure Search.
      Room: 3106 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Test-Driven Development with TypeScript+Jasmine+AngularJS

      Come with your laptops to learn and try out test-driven development for web applications using TypeScript, Jasmine and AngularJS.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • The Better Parts

      This talk is about using programming languages more effectively, and using that experience to create and select better programming languages.
      Room: SmithWick Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • The Internet of Things (IoT) enable proactive data access from any device

      The Internet of Things represents an evolution in which objects are capable of interacting with other objects.
      Room: 8403 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • The REST of the story: Using ASP.NET Web API to create RESTful web services

      REST is are a simple way to expose data to a broad range of platforms. ASP.NET Web API is a great foundation for REST services, but its not an out-of-the-box solution. This talk introduces you ASP.NET Web API and building REST services using it
      Room: 5501 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • The Rise of Wearable Technology

      Stemming from the rapid prototyping maker movement, technology has taken a huge leap forward to begin true integrations with the human body. We'll explore this movement and see where the future of technology integrations is leading us as a species.
      Room: 5001 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • The Self-healing, Elastic Runtime that is Cloud Foundry

      Introduction to the open source Cloud Foundry PaaS with demos, demos and more demos. Watch us deploy, scale and auto-recover crashed app instances. Learn about the operational benefits of PaaS.
      Room: 4302 Time: 9:15 AM Sunday 
    • Top 10 tips for effective development with AngularJS

      This session will go over the top 10 things a developer needs to know to use AngularJS effectively, and have more fun programming.
      Room: 5501 Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Trick-or-Treat Wearable Technology

      Halloween Wearable Tech! Make this your year to be seen in the dark as you Trick or Treat! Tenaya from Rogue Making, also known as Arduino Woman, would love to help you create something fun with LEDs and conductive thread.
      Room: PSEC4604 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • UI and UX design principles to keep the user engaged within your mobile app

      This session will provide insights into the world of apps and explore how to best engage the user within your app. The speaker will provide insights into lessons learned from his experience developing apps for mobile platforms.
      Room: 5015 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Understanding HTTP and REST: the road to simple, scalable web services

      HTTP is the protocol for virtually all things on the internet. Do you have the info you need to build apps and services that can participate? You will leave this session with an understanding of the HTTP protocol and how it can be combed with REST.
      Room: CampusCtrCaft Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Using NuGet the way you should

      In this talk, we’ll use Visual Studio, NuGet and TeamCity to work with NuGet the way you should. Project references must die! Add Package Reference is everything you will ever need.
      Room: 8403 Time: 2:45 PM Sunday 
    • We Don't Need No Stinkin' Product Manager!

      In this talk, we'll explore a number of real-life situations that show the good, the bad, and the ugly of how Engineers deliver with and without Product Managers. (Hint: PMs aren't always right.)
      Room: 4220 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Wearable Tech with Arduino Woman

      Have you tried sewing with Conductive Thread? Tenaya makes it fun and easy to embed circuits into your clothing. This introductory workshop starts you with relatively easy parallel circuits. More complex programmable sensors are available.
      Room: PSEC4604 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • Web UI in Java with Vaadin

      Vaadin is a popular web framework that allows you to write user interface in Java 8 language without directly JavaScript. The presentation explains how Vaadin works and gets you started with building beautiful web apps in Java.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • What is Python?

      Python's a simple yet powerful language that's gaining popularity every day in techology & education for kids as well as adults. We'll provide a high-level intro so you can get started easily. Find out why NASA, Yahoo, Google & YouTube all use Python
      Room: 5015 Time: 1:15 PM Sunday 
    • What Lean Brings To Product Marketing Management

      Understand the value of product marketing management and how to apply lean principles to increase your product's success in the market.
      Room: 4221 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • Whirlwind Tour of Scalable Vector Graphics

      In this session, we’ll walk through the essential building blocks of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). We’ll learn how to script against SVG with JavaScript libraries like Raphaël and D3 to make interactive web applications.
      Room: Hearthside Lounge Time: 3:30 PM Saturday 
    • Why & What functional programming

      As software becomes more complex, it is imperative to structure it well, to ensure that it is easy to write, debug, and provides a collection of modules that can be reused to reduce future programming costs.
      Room: 4220 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Why Would You Integrate Solr and Hadoop? (and why would you do that?)

      A discussion of how Solr and Hadoop complement each other, and how to use Solr as a real-time, analytical, full-text search front-end to data stored in Hadoop.
      Room: 4201 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • WinJS for Web Devs

      In this talk, we’ll go over how WinJS provides developers with a distinctive set of cross browser, high performance, polished UI controls and the cohesive set of components and infrastructure it provides for your HTML5 web apps.
      Room: 3106 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Writing Facebook Applications with Eclipse

      An overview to creating and publishing games and applications for Facebook using the Eclipse IDE. This will cover the complete process for registering, developing, publishing and monetizing applications for the Facebook platform.
      Room: 4302 Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
    • XAML Anti-Patterns

      In this session we look at XAML Anti-Patterns – solutions that end up counterproductive. Among the patterns & techniques discussed are bootstrappers, virtualization, XAML itself, & more. Topics may surprise even advanced XAML developers.
      Room: 4305 Time: 11:15 AM Saturday 
    • Zero to Fractals in 75 Minutes

      Learn to program in Scala
      Room: PSEC4603 Time: 10:45 AM Sunday 
    • ZombieTime - JSR 310 for the Undead

      Surviving as a zombie with the constant risks of sunlight, fire, and pesky mobs, can be deadly. Fortunately, with the new JavaFX ZombieTime app, powered by JSR 310, eradicating the human race with a highly infectious virus has never been easier!
      Room: 4302 Time: 1:45 PM Saturday