10:45 AM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014session

Running Your Spring Apps in the Cloud

Get your Spring applications running in the cloud, specifically in Cloud Foundry. Learn how containers (yep, like Docker) are used in a PaaS, how to abstract app to services bindings, and about cross-site scripting and session state caching.

About This Session

The Spring Trader application was debuted at Spring One in 2012 and presented an application that demonstrates a multitude of vFabric components working together – tcServer, RabbitMQ, SQLFire and Gemfire. In this session we will take that application and make (a few) modifications (mostly to config) to get it running on the same components in the cloud, specifically on the Cloud Foundry PaaS. We’ll show you how to use the Spring Cloud project to configure the deployment, how to leverage a cloud services catalog, how to implement a cross-site scripting solution (and why), how to do session state caching and we’ll discuss (the dangers of) auto reconfiguration. If you bring a laptop you can have your own instance of the app running by end of session.

Time: 10:45 AM Sunday    Room: 4302 

The Speaker(s)

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Cornelia Davis

Director, Platform Engineering, Pivotal

Software geek passionate about distributed systems, functional programming, developer experience, Devops and above all, Cloud Foundry. Natural-food foodie. Yoga practicer.