Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are always highly attended sessions at Code Camp. Here are several (but not all) of those sessions grouped together as a track.
Learning how to create your own machine learning models with Turi Create and converting those models to Core ML models and apply them to iOS applications.
In this session, Luba Gloukhova will survey the various forms of adversarial attacks against neural networks that have emerged, and the state of the art methods for defense.
Developers today are creating insightful tools like never before with machine learning. However, not everyone has the background to jump straight into scikit-learn or TensorFlow. In this session, learn how to access Google's pretrained models by API.
This will be a non-intimidating introduction to machine learning. We'll talk about what it is, how machines learn, and why it has become so important. We’ll also discuss Artificial Intelligence and machine learning’s role in AI.
DonkeyCar,, is a free, open source framework for self-driving scale cars. Come and learn how build, program, train and race a self-driving scale car.