Last Event: Software Architecture
November 18th, 2023
Open at
Silicon Valley Code Camp and Campfire
Our events are technical conferences in Silicon Valley and online where developers learn from developers focusing on open source, the latest enterprise-focused technologies, software branding, legal issues around software as well as other topics developers are interested in hearing about such as career building and other topics of interest. Lately, we have also added Silicon Valley Code Campfire events as something we now do online.


Past Events

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Software Architecture at SV Code Campfire

This event was hosted online on November 18th, 2023. There were 5 sessions with a total of 5 speakers in those sessions.

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Everything ChatGPT at SV Code Campfire

This event was hosted online on February 25th, 2023. There were 4 sessions with a total of 4 speakers in those sessions.

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Managing Programmers at SV Code Campfire

This event was hosted online on October 2nd, 2021. There were 2 sessions with a total of 2 speakers in those sessions.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2019

This event was hosted at PayPal Town Hall on October 19 & 20, 2019. There were 106 sessions with a total of 97 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 841 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2018

This event was hosted at PayPal Town Hall on October 13 & 14, 2018. There were 98 sessions with a total of 90 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 941 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2017

This event was hosted at PayPal Town Hall on October 7 & 8, 2017. There were 128 sessions with a total of 112 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 1013 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2016

This event was hosted at Evergreen Valley College on October 1 & 2, 2016. There were 158 sessions with a total of 128 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 3679 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015

This event was hosted at Evergreen Valley College on October 3rd and 4th 2015. There were 190 sessions with a total of 155 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 4426 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2014

This event was hosted at Foothill College on October 11th and 12th 2014. There were 221 sessions with a total of 185 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 4996 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2013

This event was hosted at Foothill College on October 5th and 6th 2013. There were 229 sessions with a total of 185 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 4959 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2012

This event was hosted at Foothill College on October 6th and 7th, 2012. There were 213 sessions with a total of 184 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 3833 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2011

This event was hosted at Foothill College on October 8th and 9th, 2011.. There were 209 sessions with a total of 175 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 3426 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2010

This event was hosted at Foothill College on October 9th and 10th, 2010. There were 193 sessions with a total of 147 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 3087 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2009

This event was hosted at Foothill College on October 3rd and 4th, 2009. There were 146 sessions with a total of 94 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 1875 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2008

This event was hosted at Foothill College on Nov 8th and 9th, 2008. There were 111 sessions with a total of 78 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 1400 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2007

This event was hosted at Foothill College on September 2007. There were 0 sessions with a total of 0 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 964 registered in-person attendees.

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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2006

This event was hosted at Foothill College on September 2006. There were 0 sessions with a total of 0 speakers in those sessions.

This event had 2513 registered in-person attendees.