Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 7 & 8, 2017

The Sessions

Silicon Valley Code Camp is the perfect place to watch engaging and entertaining talks given by industry experts and luminaries, and meet with developers for engaging and motivating conversations around specific topics.
128 sessions
  • 9 things every developer can do to be more inclusive

    The only thing stopping software from being inclusive is the developers. If they did these cost-effective things, they could increase their potential audience tremendously. This isn't about altruism, it's just good business practice.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • A Machine Learning Primer

    This session will provide a high-level non-intimidating overview of machine learning. We’ll demystify 6-8 common algorithms. There will be very little math and no coding. The goal is for everyone to become conversant with machine learning.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • A Math-Free Introduction to Neural Networks

    Have you ever tried learning about Neural Networks but are allergic to dense equations? This is the talk for you! Learn the concepts behind neural networks with nothing more complicated than addition and multiplication.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Accidentally Manager – A Survival Guide for First-Time Engineering Managers

    This session is about your career perspective as an engineer, especially when the path may take an “unexpected” turn from technical lead to first-time engineering manager.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Agile Appetizer

    Lost the appetite for Agile approaches? Never had the appetite? Don't actually know what "Agile" is all about? Perfect! Here's a quick appetizer to get you to that point of going "Oh, yum! More please!"
    Room: Town Square C Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Android Architecture & Material components with Kotlin.

    This talk will cover Android Architectural Components (Room, Lifecycle-aware components, ViewModels and LiveData). After building a clear understanding of the components we will explain how they work together to form a robust reference architecture.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • Angular 101

    Angular is *the* framework for creating modern client-side Web applications. In this session, we cover what you need to get started using the latest version of Angular, including the Angular CLI code generation tool.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Angular 2 -- Components

    A demo how to build components in Angular 2. We will use ng CLI to create a new Angular project and Visual Studio Code to show the implementation details.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Artificial Intelligence for everyone, even you

    We've made it. Science fiction is now science fact. In this session, let's look at the approach of this new age and how to make the most with the skills you already have.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Automating AWS infrastructure with the AWS Cli

    We will cover using the AWS Cli in day to day DevOps work and application deployments.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • AWS Lambda with Serverless Framework and Java

    In this session, we will talk about Serverless Applications, and Create and deploy a java-maven based AWS Lambda API. We will also explore the command line interface to manage lambda, which is provided out of the box by serverless framework.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Azure Functions

    Azure Functions is a serverless compute service. In this session, I'll discuss them, and show how to create them. I'll also talk about Event Grid and show how to use it with Functions.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Better Numeric Types in C++

    This talk introduces a number library, CNL, which improves on the integers that C++ provides. It will also be valuable to anyone who wants a better grasp on how to use integers safely and effectively.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Bitcoin Blockchain - New Money

    Blockchain has enabled birth of widely used cryptocurrency. Come to the session to learn all about money and how new money is changing financial markets. You will see live demos, code and learn how to write new apps.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • Bitcoin Digital Cash: Send cash to anyone on Earth with your phone or PC

    What is Bitcoin? Mining? How do I get and send bitcoin? This lively session provides an intro to the digital currency and the technologies that make it work. Afterwards, you will be able to own bitcoin and send some to anyone on Earth in seconds.
    Room: Round Table Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Blockchain App UX Capture & Replay

    Blockchain mobile apps are becoming another major innovation trend to solve FinTech problems we're facing today.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Blockchain architecture fundamentals and developing business applications

    Learn about Blockchain architecture, Hyperledger Fabric and composer and quickly develop business applications.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Blockchain architecture fundamentals and developing business applicationsLB

    Learn about Blockchain architecture, Hyperledger Fabric and composer and quickly develop business applications.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • BlockChain: Learn to implement Blockchain

    Build a BlockChain App from scratch. Learn the fundamentals of BlockChain technology.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Bots are the new enterprise apps.

    Let you users interact with systems in the communication channels they prefer (Facebook, Slack, Kik, Skype, email, sms) in one integrated solution. In this session we will show you how to utilize the BotFramework to build bots for your enterprise
    Room: Fireside C Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Brief history of JavaScript Modules

    Brief introduction to JavaScript modules and JavaScript tools for modules.
    Room: Round Table Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Build an Alexa skill with .NET Core and AWS Lambda

    Learn how to build an Amazon Alexa (Echo) skill using .NET Core, and deploy it to AWS Lambda!
    Room: Fireside C Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Build Chrome Extensions using React/Webpack

    Chrome extensions are like apps for your desktop. They are extremely useful, yet very easy to build. In this session we'll create a Chrome extension together, using JavaScript ES6, React, and Webpack.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Building Solutions with the Microsoft Dial

    Microsoft Dial is an innovative extension to interact with apps, and the API is far more straight-forward than you might expect.
    Room: Round Table Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Business Networking Pickup Lines for Developers

    In this workshop everyone will learn professional networking engagement techniques. Stand up, make in-person cold connections, find *the* person in the room you need to talk to, and qualify a person for a potential business relationship.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • C++ Today: The Beast Is Back

    After being the exciting new language of the 80s and 90s C++ lost its luster in the 2000, but has come roaring back. This talk explains why.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Character Sets

    This is the story of the representation of text as numbers. We will range from the earliest codes, Hollerith and Morse, to what will likely be the last character code, Unicode. The mysterious control codes of ASCII will be explained. Subtle decisions made in the last century had large unintended consequences. The irritating eternal dilemma "Tabs or Spaces?" will finally be resolved logically for the first time.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Clean Code - Best Practices

    Writing clean code can significantly lower these costs. However, writing clean code also makes you more efficient during the initial development time and results in more stable code, seeing the code in a holistic way.
    Room: Round Table Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Clean Code – The Art of Decoupling

    We will dive into why decoupling is so crucial and what design patterns. We start by reviewing the basics of Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection (DI) and will move into Micro Services reviewing different ways of achieving decoupling.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Common Post Deployment Snafus

    The software engineer’s checklist: 10 checks to deploy more smoothly.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Complete CI/CD Pipeline to Microsoft Azure with Docker using Jenkins

    We will review an open source CD/CI tool, Jenkins, and show how to use it in conjunction with Microsoft’s Cloud platform, Microsoft Azure, & Docker Swarm.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Container and Kubernetes networking 101

    With the gaining popularity of DevOps and the container eco-system, this talk will focus on the "networking" fundamentals of both docker containers & Kubernetes. Learn how basic networking works and how to debug the most common issues.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Containers Your Way

    Just thinking about Containers? Figuring out where the fit in the cloud ecosystem? Completely unsure of how you should use them? Learn the different ways you can use containers today and find out how to quickly get started.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Cracking the Coding Interview

    Programmer & best-selling author of Cracking the Coding Interview presents a technical talk on how coding interviews work and how to do well on them. This will be a deeply technical talk covering data structures and algorithms.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Creating an AWS Lambda Function with Kotlin

    In this session, we will create a lambda service on AWS using Kotlin. Along the way, we will learn what a makes Kotlin an excellent replacement for Java and how simple it is to construct an AWS Lambda function.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Deep Dive: Oracle MySQL Cloud Service

    You will learn how MySQL on oracle public Cloud and the features
    Room: Fireside D Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Design Patterns with Kotlin

    Kotlin looks great but do you feel like suddenly loosing all your coding skills and wisdom? Let's visit the Gang of Four Design Patterns and implement them on Kotlin using IntelliJ's native Kotlin support.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Developing for Mixed Reality and the HoloLens

    Holographic devices like the HoloLens brings with it a new wave of holographic development. This talk will cover how the basics of the device, how it works, and how you can start developing holographic applications today using Unity.
    Room: Chin Wagger Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • DevOps for building Polyglot Microservices - Containerized

    Learn how to effectively implement DevOps using containers, for building polyglot microservices with Nodejs and SparkJava.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Dive into Bots

    This session explores bot capabilities, design patterns, knowledge based bots, handling user actions, how bots interact with websites/apps, and how hand off to human bot works. Bot demo, and code sample will be illustrated throughout the session.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Diving into Deep Learning

    A fast-paced intro to Deep Learning concepts, such as Neural Networks, backprop, activation functions, CNNs, and RNNs. We'll look at some code samples in TensorFlow, Keras, Angular, and Android, and then wrap up with a book raffle of recent books.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • Dream Teams: Making Your Dream (Team) Come True

    What differentiates high performance teams? What makes it a dream team? What’s our role–and what’s the role of our leaders–in crafting culture that supports emergence of dream teams? What can we each do–what must we do–to be part of a dream team?
    Room: Round Table Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • dynamic_cast From Scratch

    Join Arthur O'Dwyer on a tour of the C++ object model, from simple structs to multiple and virtual inheritance; covering virtual method calls, vtables, RTTI, and the uses of the `final` qualifier.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Electron: Desktop Development For Web Developers

    Imagine if you will, your Manager asks you to develop a new desktop application. You're so used to web development that you don't know how to get started. What should you do? Keep those web skills and use Electron.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Engage your customer using cognitive analytics in IBM Watson Explorer

    Come, learn and expand your knowledge in the growing field of cognitive content analytics. As an attendee you will be downloading and installing the latest Watson explorer product on your laptop and create a content mining application.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Engage your customer using cognitive analytics in IBM Watson Explorer LAB

    Come, learn and expand your knowledge in the growing field of cognitive content analytics. As an attendee you will be downloading and installing the latest Watson explorer product on your laptop and create a content mining application.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Enterprise Blockchain with Microsoft Azure

    Learn how to deploy enterprise blockchain solution on Azure, understand Microsoft Cloud-specific constructs to enable next-generation blockchain solutions (cryptlets), and glance into the future of blockchain on Azure.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Everything you wanted to know about Git, but were afraid to ask.

    Go beyond `pull` and `push`. Git has become a crucial tool in our day to day workflow. Understand how it works, and learn how to wield it properly. After this session, you'll never be afraid of a merge conflict again.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Extending Blockchain To Enterprise Applications

    This session will discuss blockchain, enterprise use cases, and associated concepts such as smart contracts. A smart contract will also be written and deployed to the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Extending Components in Angular

    We will create and modify an Angular project to extend the functionality of components.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Extending Enterprise Applications to Mobile Interfaces

    The agenda.. 3 Enterprise Mobile App - Use-case The need for a Mobile Backend MBaaS – Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Understanding Mobile Clients Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit Code and Demo
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Fantastic Transcoder: Massively Parallel video conversion in AWS Lambda

    A deep dive on Massively parallel tasks in AWS Lambda utilizing SQS, DynamoDB, and s3.
    Room: Chin Wagger Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Forward-Thinking Continuous Integration and Delivery Pipeline

    Building the technology powering the best consumer email inbox in the world is no easy task. When you start on such a journey, it is important to consider how to deliver such an experience to the users.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Full Stack Development with JavaScript and NoSQL

    Learn how to build full stack applications using various JavaScript technologies such as Node.js and Angular.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Fun Introduction to Data in Software for Non-Techies

    Do you know how to make a database program? STEM education needs to include the basic concepts of data. This fun class is for non-technical individuals and kids over the age of 10 to explore the concepts of data and how it is used in software.
    Room: Chin Wagger Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Getting Deep into Machine Learning with TensorFlow

    In this talk we discuss Deep Learning, the technique that powers many of the most powerful Artificial Intelligent products and applications. Such as self-driving cars, automatic image labeling in social networks, and robotic vision.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Getting Started as a Modern Windows Developer

    We’ll build an app together and you can gain the confidence to get started. 
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Getting Started with The Go Programming Language ( golang )

    Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Come learn about one of the greatest languages ever created.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • GitOps: operations by pull-request

    In this talk, Ilya will describe how Weaveworks team manages apps in production on Kubernetes.
    Room: Round Table Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Goodbye VMs - Hello Docker

    In this session I'll show you how to migrate existing web applications to Docker. We'll use DNN (DotNetNuke) to show how easy it is to use Docker for building and deploying applications.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • gRPC Crash Course: Simple Microservices in Java

    gRPC is a new high-performance, open source RPC framework built on top of Protocol Buffers and HTTP/2. In this session, Ryan Michela gives you an introduction to gRPC and its capabilities will live coding a simple IRC style chat system using gRPC.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • Hiring Coders with Whiteboard Interviews and Other Questions

    Tech companies are infamous for their whiteboard interviews. Learn best practices for doing these at your company -- or even if you should. Engineer and best-selling author will discuss interview styles and what works.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • How to Write Code Others Won’t Hate

    Always code as if the person maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." In this talk we explore a variety of practical ways to improve your code and application design to make the lives of your engineers, DevOps, and PMs jobs easier.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Instant Mobile Web: An Accelerated Mobile Pages primer

    In 2016, mobile internet usage exceeded desktop for the first time! With over 50% of users on mobile, is your web app optimized for them? Let’s learn about Accelerated Mobile Pages, how AMP address mobile web challenges, and build a valid AMP page.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Intro to Azure CosmosDB

    . You can develop document, key/value, or graph databases with Cosmos DB using a series of popular APIs and programming models. In this session we will show you how easy it is to use and scale with CosmosDB.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Intro to Map and Location APIs

    In this session you will learn to use map and location APIs to help your applications and devices find their way using location technology.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Intro to Test Driven Development

    A platform-agnostic intro to Test Driven Development (TDD)
    Room: Fireside C Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Introduction to Cloud Functions

    Learn why a developer should use Cloud Functions instead of traditional environments and best practices to effectively use them.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Introduction to Cloud Functions LAB

    Learn why a developer should use Cloud Functions instead of traditional environments and best practices to effectively use them.
    Room: Round Table Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Introduction to GPGPU and ManyCore Systems Programming

    An overview the of capabilities and programming languages of GPU's
    Room: Round Table Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Introduction to Spring Boot

    A complete beginners introduction to Spring Boot, from Pieter Humphrey on the Spring Team. A familiarity with Java is required. Familiarity with older Spring Framework versions 3.x or earlier is great but not required).
    Room: Town Square B Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Introduction To The Lean Definition Process

    The Lean Definition Process provides an approach to uncovering the tangible 360 degree view of the full product to be built by leveraging the various points of view across all the new product touch points.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • iOS: The Best Parts

    To set our understanding of native iOS development we dive into how to build real world apps. We then introduce iOS development by reviewing the Apple resources: “A Swift (4.0) Tour” using Playgrounds and “Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)”.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Istio: service mesh for all

    Google, IBM, and Lyft created the Istio "Service-Mesh" codifying years of experience and best practices managing microservices. Learn about the Istio "Service-Mesh", how it can enable you to transition to micoservices, and how you can get involved.
    Room: Chin Wagger Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • It takes an open source village to raise a robot

    Learn how an open source community has raised a robot powered by a Raspberry Pi and taught it to listen to and understand natural language, emotions, speak and see.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • It takes an open source village to raise a robot LAB

    Learn how an open source community has raised a robot powered by a Raspberry Pi and taught it to listen to and understand natural language, emotions, speak and see.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • JWTs Aren't So Great

    In this talk, Randall will walk you through web authentication from the ground up, explaining how it works both with and without JWTs. Along the way you’ll learn why JWTs aren’t as great as you might hear, and better ways to speed up web apps.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Keeping your SQL Objects Safe In Development

    Join me as we learn about versioning your SQL Objects to enable streamlined database development without sacrificing control and visibility. My demos will be with Redgate’s SQL Source Control tool and a current source code repository.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Kubernetes – Hands-On Demos for Container Orchestration

    100% Hands on Kubernetes - Redis, Python, Flask, MySQL
    Room: Town Square A Time: 12:30 PM Saturday 
  • Lean Startup for Engineers

    Discover your customer and find out what they will pay for! We'll show you how in this session to define your customer and discover what their true problem is.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Learn To Build A Website with Golang

    In this session, you will learn how to build a web server in Go and will see how to program routes to handle requests and serve responses.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Light up your app with the Composition API

    Managed developers now have direct access to the native graphics subsystem in Windows. enabling complex designs to be realized without compromising performance. But how? Leave this session with the confidence to build incredible apps.
    Room: Chin Wagger Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Linear interpolations using SQL window functions

    Join Ami Levin for some pure T-SQL coding challenges fun! You'll take apart common programming challenges that are typically hard to solve using conventional means.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Living on the IOT Edge (Developing Sensor Application for the Cloud Edge)

    This session discuss the development of low power log life sensors which are to designed to be deploy at the edge of the code in order to feed data to Big data and machine learning system residing on platforms like Azure, AWS
    Room: Fireside C Time: 5:00 PM Saturday 
  • Lockdown: a SHOCKING security primer for web developers

    Security is an increasingly important part of building modern web applications, but it often falls victim to pressures of deadlines. In this course, we'll get hands on, from attacking/defending standpoints, and learn how to keep the baddies out.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • Machine Learning Intro for Anyone and Everyone

    Demystify the world of Machine Learning in a simple and fun way so that everyone can understand and use Machine learning. Including a Hands-on demo using Azure Machine Learning
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Manage your life: Web-based goal, time, project, health management

    This session is an attempt to not only offer some fresh approaches to time/goal management, but also to engage in a discussion about new ideas and look at some thought-provoking concepts for total life management.
    Room: Chin Wagger Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • Microservice Architecture using 12-factor on AWS

    In this talk, Asif will discuss the microservices architecture and highlight key architectural patterns such as 12-factor, CI/CD, Service Discovery, Secrets management and Blue-Green Deployments.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • Microsoft, Linux, Open Source, Cloud + DevOps

    Microsoft has made significant contributions to the Open Source community. In this session, I will teach you how you can use these open source tools in your dev environment to implement DevOps best practices in your pipeline.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Modern HTML5 UI for desktop and embedded apps

    How to create a modern HTML5 user interface and integrate it into a compiled desktop or embedded application. The example is a C# .NET application with an Angular UI, but the architectural concepts can be applied to other languages and frameworks.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • Modern Intermediate Template Techniques

    You know the basics of templates and you are ready for more. This talk will add a half dozen template-based techniques to your C++ development toolbox. You don’t have to be a wizard to learn or use these techniques—you’ll just look like you are.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology as a Tutoring Tool

    Identity of un-powered NFC tags are used to select the instructional content, which is pronounced (audio-visually) when an active, powered, reader antenna is brought into the proximity of un-powered NFC tags.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Need of DevOps in the Enterprise

    Hardcore facts on DevOps and how it's valuable to Enterprise
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • No Folders: A fast, flexible, long-term way to think and work in one place

    Imagine: No Folders! No Meetings! No Email! No Managers! Or at least a lot less... I'm talking about a new way to organize ideas and information rooted in wiki methodology but with flexible real-time editing and automatic, cumulative context.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • Numbers

    Computers are machines that manipulate numbers. That is literally all that they can do, and yet they are now facilitating and mediating virtually all human activity. This is the story of numbers: where they came from, how they work, and where they may be going. Every programmer should know this story.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Passwords on a Phone

    Android apps by Safeway, Kroger, Walgreens, and many others store passwords locally, which is dangerous and unnecessary. I'll demonstrate how to reverse their worthless encryption methods. I notified them but they ignored me.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Principles of Security

    As our systems become more distributed and more connected, security has never been more important. The catalog of known exploits is vast. There are more vulnerabilities and pitfalls than any expert can understand. And yet, security is so important that it can not be left to experts. Fortunately, all good practices flow from a small set of principles. These principles should be known by every programmer and every manager.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Re-Engineering your career into Technical Product Management

    Are you considering Technical Product Management as your next career step? This session will discuss career development into this discipline and the basic skills and strategies needed to successfully transition into this new role.
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • Recursion and DP for coding interviews

    In this session, we'll patiently walk through some Recursion and DP problems, until time permits.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Regular Expressions, To Match Or Not, That is the Question

    A regular expression (regex for short) is a powerful language to describe a search pattern to analyze and modify text. This talk teaches you how to read, construct and use simple to complex regular expressions.
    Room: Town Square A Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Rock Your .NET Core Best Practices

    In this sessions, you will learn how to apply .NET Framework best practices to .NET Core.
    Room: Round Table Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • Rock Your Code Quality

    Code quality starts with you, the developer. If you are writing your first app or have been through the battle field many times trying to improve code quality within your team, this session is for you.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • Roomba meets Watson - get familiar with the Voice of AI

    Working with IoT and Voice UI. Ask your Roomba to do things for you like "check the weather", or "get the latest hacker news". Let's see what else you are going to hack with this platform powered by Watson and Raspberry Pi
    Room: Town Square A Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Roomba meets Watson - get familiar with the Voice of AI LAB

    Working with IoT and Voice UI. Ask your Roomba to do things for you like "check the weather", or "get the latest hacker news". Let's see what else you are going to hack with this platform powered by Watson and Raspberry Pi
    Room: Rendezvous Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Securing Your Containers

    In this session we will be covering security automation, and we will discuss security strategies that can be implemented for CAPS (Chef, Ansible, Puppet, Salt) and Docker and how you can implement encryption easily without causing bottlenecks.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • Service Discovery in Container Orchestration Frameworks

    Learn how service discovery works in different container orchestration frameworks.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Sketch App 101 for Engineers

    Want to be able to jump into Sketch App and easily collaborate with the Designers on your team? This session will give you the basic working knowledge of this powerful design tool.
    Room: Fireside B Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Software Project Design

    Juval Lowy shares his approach software project design, along with his unique insight for delivering software on schedule and budget. You will also see to deal with common misconceptions and typical roles and responsibilities in the team.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 10:45 AM Saturday 
  • Statistics and Linear Algebra basics for Machine Learning

    Understand the basic concepts of statistics and linear algebra for machine learning
    Room: Fireside A Time: 2:00 PM Sunday 
  • Swagger and Open API Specifications (OAS)

    Discussion about Open API Specification for REST based APIs.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Team Scaling Ninja

    Self-organize your multi-team development and take it to the next level and become a team scaling Ninja!
    Room: Round Table Time: 11:15 AM Sunday 
  • The Data Science Process

    This session will provide a clear overview of the data science process. We will discuss framing an idea or data problem as an effective question, exploring and modeling the data to answer the question, and effectively communicating the insights.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • The Functional Programming Converter project

    Join us in our session where we will show you examples of alternative paradigms and teach you how to convert your existing code into a functional programming language.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • The Internet of Things, and Why it is the Future

    I will be talking about the future of interconnected technology; The Internet of Things. I will cover the concepts, the way that our society has shaped technology around interconnectivity, and how technology will change to accommodate IOT.
    Room: Fireside C Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded

    Come learn about the relationship between the threading, asynchronous function calls, the Node.js Event Loop, and performance.
    Room: Town Square B Time: 10:15 AM Sunday 
  • The Psychology of Developer Tool Un-usability

    This is *not* a talk on proper UX design. What this talk will cover is what goes wrong cognitively (i.e. in the brain) when we try to design our own tools.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • There Is No Such Thing as a Microservice!

    What is architecture, why it matters and what exactly is the microservice architecture?
    Room: Town Square C Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Tuning Kafka Pipelines

    Learn from real-world examples of performance tuning truly global Kafka pipelines.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 4:00 PM Saturday 
  • TypeScript in Action

    TypeScript is used to build key frameworks like Angular. How TypeScript leverages features from the current and future of JavaScript will be illustrated. TypeScript 2.x, support for Angular, React, Node and type system, will be demonstrated.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 9:00 AM Sunday 
  • Using Apache Spark To Determine Whether San Francisco Restaurants Are Clean

    Apache Spark is a powerful and popular data processing engine due to its speed, ease of use, and flexibility. This session will demonstrate some of Spark's advanced features through the analysis San Francisco Restaurant inspection data.
    Room: Town Square C Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Using Twilio and .NET to Save the World... One Text at a Time

    .NET + Twilio + Hopefully funny stories ~ a great time
    Room: Town Square A Time: 3:00 PM Saturday 
  • What I wish people knew about C++

    C++11 basics, particularly move semantics, RAII, and pairing lambda functions with standard algorithms.
    Room: Fireside D Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Where did I leave my (primary) Keys???

    Ever wondered why so many tables have ID fields used as primary keys? Is it a 'design pattern', or an unfortunate misunderstanding that got rooted? If you have never gave it a second thought - this session is for you...
    Room: Town Square B Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • Women in Tech: Your Value Creation, Visibilty, and Growth

    What we’ll discuss in this session are tips and tools to increase the visibility of the value you create for your company and your teams, what you can do to grow yourself, and how you can create more career options.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 1:30 PM Saturday 
  • Your User Stories Are Too Big!

    A common problem for scrum teams is user stories that are too big. When a user story is too big, it is harder to understand, estimate, and complete successfully. In this session, come get hands-on experience splitting stories with 4 proven methods.
    Room: Round Table Time: 1:00 PM Sunday 
  • Your Vertical Intranet – When OOTB is Out of the Question

    The SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) Deployment engine allows us to create repeatable builds of customized client portals. How can you utilize this for industry specific portals hosted in SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online?
    Room: Round Table Time: 3:00 PM Sunday 
  • Zen of Architecture

    Juval Lowy explains his approach to system analysis and design, using volatility to decompose a system into its comprising services. He will contrast it with the most common mistake done in architecture, using functionality to identify services.
    Room: Fireside A Time: 9:45 AM Saturday 
  • Zero Configuration Networking

    If you have an electric lamp, you can plug it in any electric socket and it is expected to work. Can we think the same way for computers? YES, we can do it with Zero Conf networking. It makes devices talk to each other without DHCP or DNS server.
    Room: Shoot The Breeze Time: 11:15 AM Sunday